We understand the importance of providing delicious meal for guests on your wedding day. Our partner caterers are sure to please and come highly recommended for excellent food, service and value. A variety of prices and food genres are represented. All four of the following caterers work together with the Homestead staff to ensure each couple has a smooth, stress free celebration.
Alcohol is allowed during events at Stoltzfus Homestead and Garden, provided the guidelines in the Venue Rental Agreement are followed. Couples purchase their own alcohol (saving approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the cost), the alcohol is stored in the Homestead’s walk-in coolers and is served by the staff of Celebration Services. Celebration Services is a fully insured, fully certified and experience bartending service. Alcohol may not be served by any other persons except for the staff of Celebration Services. Once a wedding is booked at the Homestead, Celebration Services will contact the couple directly to make arrangements for alcohol service and to discuss pricing.